Press, BBChain in the media
BBChain is present in several recognized media outlets, reinforcing its expertise and leadership in the blockchain technology sector.
Our performance was highlighted by renowned portals, highlighting solid partnerships with technology giants such as Microsoft, Google, AWS, RedHat and R3 Corda.
We believe in transparency, efficiency and innovation as pillars of our communication and services, and these values have been widely recognized in our media appearances.
VCRP is our partner and our press office!
VCRP Assessoria de Imprensa, an agency recognized for its innovative and strategic approach to 360º communication. With extensive experience in connecting brands and creating impactful narratives.
With its agility and innovation, it joins forces to clearly and strategically communicate the benefits of blockchain through BBChain; for companies and people.
By combining BBChain’s strength and VCRP’s experience, we are ready to strengthen our presence in the market and lead important conversations about technology and innovation.

Recent Posts
Drex passes feasibility tests, but still presents challenges, says BC report
After all, should everything be tokenized?
Blockchain and international remittances
Blockchain technology is emerging as an innovative solution capable of solving several challenges in sending money across borders...
02/25 - Drex passes feasibility tests, but still presents challenges, says BC report
02/25 - Drex passes feasibility tests, but still presents challenges, says BC report
02/25 - Drex passes feasibility tests, but still presents challenges, says BC report
02/25 - Drex passes feasibility tests, but still presents challenges, says BC report
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Tokenization in healthcare is transforming medical management
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10/24 – Terra - Drex: Central Bank calls new participants for the second phase of testing of the digital real; understand
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09/24 - Auto Parts Portal - Drex: Central Bank begins second phase of testing of the digital real
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09/24 - Estadão Online - Drex: Central Bank begins second phase of testing of digital real
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09/24 - 2C News Newspaper - Central Bank advances in the second phase of testing of Drex, the Brazilian digital currency
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09/24 - Editora Roncarati - Central Bank starts second phase of Drex Pilot
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09/24 - Central Bank of Brazil - Central Bank starts second phase of Drex Pilot
09/24 – CRIPTOBR - BC details cases from the second phase of the Drex pilot
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09/24 - TV Foco - FIND OUT MORE OFFICIAL: Caixa's statement about the real's replacement at the BC and the truth about PIX with days numbered 09/13/2024 at 4:40 pm By: Bianca Rayla
09/24 - RTM – Telecommunications Network for the Financial Market - Blockchain peer to peer networks: how does it work in the financial market?
09/24 - BITCOIN BLOCK - BC releases list of projects selected for the second phase of Drex Pilot Tests
09/24 - Executive Channel - BC approves two Drex use cases proposed by the ABBC Consortium
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09/24 - Ai Notícias - Central Bank approves new uses of Drex; check out which ones
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09/24 - FinTech Lab - Central Bank approves two Drex use cases proposed by the ABBC consortium
09/24 - TI Inside - Central Bank approves two Drex use cases proposed by the ABBC Consortium
09/24 - E-Investidor Estadão - From CDB to agribusiness: BC reveals 13 use cases that will be tested at Drex; see
09/24 - Estadão Online - Central Bank releases list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 – Terra - Central Bank releases list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot testing
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09/24 - Diário do Grande ABC ONLINE - BC publishes list of projects selected for the second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Tribuna do Sertão - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Block News - Central Bank announces projects chosen for the second phase of the Drex pilot
09/24 - Realtime1 - BC releases list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot testing – RealTime1
09/24 - Mobile time - BC and CVM present projects selected to be tested in the Drex Pilot
09/24 - My Cripto Channel - Central Bank announces second phase of testing of the Drex pilot platform with 13 selected themes
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09/24 – It came up - BC releases list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot testing
09/24 - Companies & Business - What will change in the lives of Brazilians with the digital real
09/24 - A Crítica MS - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - CGN - Central Gazeta de Notícias - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - São José do Rio Preto Regional Newspaper - BC publishes list of projects selected for the second phase of Drex pilot testing
09/24 - Isto É Online - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Correio Popular - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
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09/24 - Tribuna do Agreste - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Tribuna de Petrópolis - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
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09/24 - Gazeta de Piracicaba - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Exame Online - Exchange, credit, cars: BC discloses use cases that will be tested at Drex
09/24 - O Povo - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Correio do Povo - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 – Telesíntese - List of projects selected for the 2nd phase of Drex testing is released
09/24 - Jornal do Comércio RS - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Suno News - Digital Real coming soon? Central Bank has new phase of Drex testing
09/24 - Your Money - What is Drex for? Central Bank selects 13 use cases for testing — and you should pay close attention to two of them
09/24 - Folha de Pernambuco - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Daily Reporter - BC releases list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - CNN Brasil - BC releases list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - TI Inside - BC announces projects selected for the second phase of Drex testing
09/24 - Acesso - List of projects selected for 2nd phase of Drex testing released
09/24 - Diário de Notícias Online - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Investing - BC releases list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot testing
09/24 - Be[in]crypto - BC announces projects selected for the second phase of DREX
09/24 - Mandee - BC announces projects selected for the second phase of DREX
09/24 - Criptofácil - DREX: Central Bank announces projects selected for 2nd phase of testing
09/24 - Esporte na Rede Mt - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Expresso 222 - BC publishes list of projects selected for second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Acesso - BC announces projects selected for the second phase of Drex testing
09/24 - CRYPTOBR - Central Bank announces projects chosen for the second phase of the Drex pilotólicos-para-segunda-fase-do-piloto-drex/
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09/24 - GMC Online Portal - BC publishes list of projects selected for the second phase of Drex pilot tests
09/24 - Exame Online - How tokenization is transforming automotive services