BBChain Bancos & Mercado Financeiro
Banks & Financial Market
With a commitment to offering innovative and secure solutions, BBChain is here to help with the way you interact with the financial world within the Blockchain universe.
Our goal is to ensure an efficient and hassle-free experience.

Transform the way you interact with the financial ecosystem.
With a commitment to offering innovative and secure solutions, BBChain is here to help with the way you interact with the financial world within the Blockchain universe. Our goal is to ensure an efficient and hassle-free experience.
Resources and Innovations
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
CBDC represents the evolution of money into its digital format, created and regulated by the Central Bank, establishing a new standard for secure and reliable financial transactions.
SandBox Drex BBChain
It is a platform that provides the necessary structure for institutions and companies to explore the infinite possibilities of DREX - Real Digital. This is just the beginning of a journey towards safer, more transparent and efficient transactions.
Integrated Digital Custody
BBChain Keeper
We offer a robust integrated digital custody system, ensuring the security of your digital assets and the peace of mind you need to operate in the modern financial market.
Asset Tokenization
(TaaS) and TPFt
Our Tokenization as a Service (TaaS) technology allows the conversion of traditional assets into tokens, promoting greater liquidity and opening up new forms of investment with Tokenized Federal Public Securities (TPFt).
+70 Financial Institutions using BBChain solutions
+1826.25 days of direct involvement with Blockchain technology
Partnerships with personalized and efficient deliveries,
demonstrate in practice our experience and in-depth knowledge in the application of Blockchain technology.
Use cases with major players in the financial market consolidate years of learning and results from BBChain Blockchain & Digita Assets.
RTM provided its more than 700 customers in the financial and payment segments with access to a test environment

ABBC - Brazilian Association of Banks, participates in the Central Bank's pilot phase for testing Drex. In partnership with BBChain who provide the foundation
INTEROP is the platform that represents the interoperability environment established by APIIMF in general convention, its main objective...
Need help ?
What is the EBS
EBS - Enterprise Blockchain as a Service, is a complete SaaS Platform for creating and managing your Blockchain network. With EBS, you will be able to create Blockchain networks in the leading technologies and manage your network participants, including their permissions and smart contracts.
R3 Corda?
R3's Corda is a scalable, permissioned, peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform that enables the construction of applications that promote and provide digital trust between parties in regulated markets.
BBChain Support Plans?
Support plans are an exciting option for those who purchase our products and want to rely on specialized help in exclusive channels to solve their doubts, according to the timeliness of each business.
How does Professional Services work?
The Professional Service is a line of services with professionals specialized in Blockchain to build your Blockchain or DLT solution. We have professionals to act in different moments of your project. Our team has Blockchain Engineers and Architects, as well as complete Squads that deliver the entire solution in a short time using BlockchainLab.
Discover other products and services from BBChain Blockchain & Digital Assets
Blockchain solutions for the corporate market, we deliver products focused on the journey and needs of each client.